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PR through Work Visa

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

PR through Work Visa


Usually, a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a report drafted by the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) office and provided to the case officer. A request is submitted to ESDC by the employer to submit this report. If the ESDC receives the application, it will consider a number of factors, including the possibility of using the Canadian workforce to provide the opportunity, salary, and benefits the foreign workforce may have for Canada.

The process of obtaining a work permit involves the employer contacting the ESDC and completing the following steps:

Is the job opportunity real?

Is the employer meeting its obligations to the labor force in terms of salary payment, working conditions, etc.?

The employer and job opportunities are approved by the state or local government.

ESDC adjusts the LMIA report after employer and job offer approval

As soon as the results of the LMIA are confirmed, the employer's conditions for hiring internal labor are reviewed

ESDC examines the applicant's skills and other qualifications

The certificate will be issued if all AEO conditions are met.